Children’s Church – 10:00 AM
Ages: 5 to 5th grade
Children join parents in the sanctuary for a blended style worship experience (contemporary and traditional music and liturgy combined in one service). Each service the kids hear a brief (3-5 minute) lesson related to the theme, then they are dismissed into Children’s Church for age-appropriate learning and activities.
Nursery Time – 8:45 to 11:00 AM
Ages: birth to 4 yrs
Every Sunday: a safe, welcoming place for children during Sunday morning activities.
Children’s Choir (K-6th)
Rehearsals: Wednesdays 5:30-6pm
Performances: Occasional Sundays during 10am worship
All children are invited to sing with the choir! The Children’s Choir is open to all children from Kindergarten through Grade 8. Music reading ability is not required, and vocal technique will be integrated into rehearsals.
Confirmation (Age 12 and up)
Wednesdays from 6:30 – 7:30 pm in the Youth Room.